26 August 2024

wow. 2 weeks already?? ignore how half-baked things look atm. working on my website has been low on my list of priorities. coding takes time and energy i don't have. i'm not abandoning my site but updates will slow down for now. my brainpower is dedicated to personal stuff and pushing through work so i can get my motorcycle by next year

speaking of motorcycles. holy fuck i love them and holy fuck i miss them so much. instead of getting an mt-03 and upgrading later, i'm going with the yamaha r3 right away.

i did buy my gloves and boots recently. next on my list is a helmet. i'm going shoei because kaneda had a shoei sticker on his bike BUT i'm not just a gay loser.. their helmets ARE good. the rf1400 is my favorite. once i have all my gear i can officially say i'll be ready for classes next year

small akira collection update.. i got another young magazine copy. it has no tracking so i just have to hope nothing goes wrong or else. my friend got me the 2019 4K blu-ray forever ago and it's FINALLY showing up this week. AND, otomo complete works AKIRA 1 releases in just a few days!!!!! i'm so fucking excited its not even funny. i cant wait to see all the original young magazine art. i love akira so much haha

kaneda's birthday is september 5th... i think i'll make a video edit like i always do or draw something. who knows. whatever i make should go up on my twitter or tumblr.

09 August 2024

good news, the magazine is real. i guess it took ebay some time to update. anyways it's in amazing condition; its hard to believe i paid $77 for this when these magazines always go for way higher. funny because the only other young mag issue i own cost about $125 and has all kinds of stains on it.. i guess that one's more expensive because of an alt page + includes one of the vol 3 singularity spreads

04 August 2024

the BRUTUS magazine i got arrived 2 days ago. it's the issue from 2012-2013 all about katsuhiro otomo. i got the original issue and the book that cuts out all the advertisements. 2 sticker sheets included. one sticker was missing but i put them on my ipad and notebook.

bought another young magazine issue for my collection, akira part 27. still hasn't shipped. the seller has great reviews and i don't doubt the item's validity but its been almost a week.. i've gotten scammed once before so i'm not excited right now

01 August 2024

might have overhauled my website a bit more. trying to bring things together + having fun + blowing things up. i changed my background because i couldn't get the "palette" to feel cohesive. if i find another akira image that fits with whatever palette i have then ill switch to it 100%. glitchy bliss for now

also found out theres 4 motorcycle classes left with 1 slot for this year. next year it is i guess. disappointing. i wanted to do that this year then buy my bike next year. whatever. im saving up for gear which is required; that's expensive too. once i have all my gear ill apply to classes and get back on a bike

27 July 2024

coding a website may be addicting. i've written personal stuff here and there, usually after getting off work in the morning. i haven't drawn. im still not a fan of my art right now. but coding is easier on my tired brain. i'm proud of how the site has turned out, i want to put cringe shit on it!!

21 July 2024

yesterday i went to a dealership to look @ the bike i want again. one day yamaha mt-03.. it wasn't there, but my friend and i walked around for a while. they bought a helmet.

ALSO same friend gave me a new computer. i've used win10 on a pc that's almost a decade old for so many years. this new win11 computer is so fast it's strange to me. excited to play games without so much lag though.

14 July 2024

general overhaul 90% done. i feel more accomplished without relying on a premade framework. they're cool and i'm still using one here, but using it for the layout of the whole site felt cheap.